Monday, August 8, 2011

Journal Entry: 8/8/11

One thing I want to do with this blog, as well as regular updates and lessons, is to keep a journal on my current progress.  Here is today's entry.

I've noticed now that I've been focusing on body language and eye contact that people on the street are respecting me.  Men move out of the way to let me by.  Women check me out and seem genuinely disappointed that I did not open them.  My mini-goal to focus on in the coming weeks will be to open these women who check me out on the streets.  It doesn't matter what I say, I just want to check them out.  Gauge their interest.

Another thing this has taught me is how important confidence is and how much it can effect your state.  If your body language is solid, everything else falls into place.  If you walk down the street in a confident manner and smile at everyone you meet, you're going to start to feel better about yourself.  It's a great way to start the day.  As a modern alpha male, I am a value-giver.  I make people's days everyday.  They are happy to have me in the world, and I am happy to be in it.  And it shows.

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